This is my blog. So it is and so shall it be.
I will begin by explaining the name of my blog. I'm not sure why exactly, but as I sat in the friendly confines (do people really use that phrase apart from Cubs fans like I?) of Biblical Heritage today Simon and Garfunkel's song "The Sound of Silence" began running through my head. This was no doubt as a result of something that was said in our ethical discussions (I seriously think it was relevant somehow, but I can see how it might look as though I was letting my thoughts drift). Anyways, I started thinking about the lyrics to that very beautiful song and the one that states "Silence like a cancer grows" brought itself to the engine of my train of thought. That line, while sung in the harmonious voices of Simon and Garfunkel doesn't really stand out, but as I began thinking on it I realized how profound it really is. Nobody likes those awkward silences that interrupt conversations at the worst times, and most people don't like silence at all (I'm sure EVERYONE dislikes it to an extent). What Simon and Garfunkel do in this lyric is that they assign silence a simile that is very negative. Like cancer, silence can rapidly expand and it can be just as deadly. It is easy to point a finger at villains throughout our history, but that finger is seldom pointed at the people who could have helped prevent great tragedies, but chose deadly silence instead. Are we really any less guilty just because we do not engage in heinous acts if we could have prevented the crime by speaking out? Since this is an ethics class to an extent, this topic seemed very relevant, and as a result, seemed a fitting title for my blog.
In regards to the forthcoming content for my blog I thought I would offer a brief look at what I hope to write. First of all I would like to be consistent about keeping this blog, apart from the extra credit points, I think it's a good opportunity to organize my thoughts and come to a better understanding of what we discuss in class. As such, any encouragement to continue writing would be great(comments are always helpful and appreciated, I want others to be able to discuss what they think about what I'm writing)! Obviously I will be trying to relate my posts to what is going on in class. Be warned I will probably bring some of my favorite things into discussion. As the title suggests, I'm really into music and will possibly explore relevant song lyrics. Dr. Whitlark's inclusion of Batman in today's discussion inspired me to relate this class to comic books. Since I read a lot of comic books, this will probably happen a lot.
To close here is a couple panels from my favorite comic book. As we discussed the second amendment today, I felt that this particular scene was a good fit.

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you here again! Chances are it will be about the same bat-time here on this same bat-blog.
'Nuff said!
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